We are all singing Jaxon "Happy Birthday" plus we had Katie on the phone, which was fun.
Next was little Sammi's birthday. It was officially Monday, but we celebrated it on Sunday because Riley was going out of town early Monday morning. We all congregated at Grandma and Grandpa's for the celebration. Sammi wasn't so much into opening her presents, so I had a great time opening them for her! She kept on looking for the presents that were already opened because she wanted to play with them instead of opening more presents. She loves all the soft, cuddly and shiny new things she got! When we brought the cake out and set it in front of her, she couldn't wait to dive in and waiting through the traditional singing of "happy birthday" was a little too much for her. She wanted that cake! So I stripped her down and gave her a piece which she promptly mashed and threw everywhere...and then she ate all my ice cream. So all in all she had a great birthday, too! Sammi is everything we wanted in a little girl and more. She's so sweet and such an easy keeper, but she's got some spunk to her too...I wonder where she got that from? We've loved having her this year and seeing her grow and learn and laugh. She brings a lot of love into our home and we are excited to see more of the beautiful girl that she will continue to be.
"Now where's the ice cream?"
Thanks to all who came and ate some cake with us and celebrated like crazy. We love having you all in our kids lives - and they sure love it too! And to all those who are close enough to us to come and visit, please do...I still have tons of cupcakes!