Monday, October 19, 2009

A whole handful

Well, it's that time again I suppose. We're expecting our third baby the beginning of April and couldn't be happier that our little family is now going to number five! I'm 16 weeks pregnant and finally feeling somewhat normal. Everything is looking good so far and besides morning/afternoon/evening sickness, being crazy tired, and a bout with the swine flu and pleurisy a couple of weeks ago I've been fantastic! We'll be finding out the gender of this little gummy bear probably around Thanksgiving. Jaxon is so excited to have another baby because he, "just loves babies and I'll be such a good brother to the new baby". He's always telling me, "Mommy, I'm sorry that the baby is making you feel sick". Such a sweet guy! I thought Sammi didn't have a clue about what was going on, but the other day she saw the ultra sound pictures and said, "baby in mommy's tummy!" over and over again. So I guess I should give her more credit. Really, though, we are all thrilled and just hope that we won't get knocked down too much more this winter with sickness. I'm excited to finally have a baby not in October and to be pregnant during the holiday's instead of trying to loose baby weight during Christmas and Thanksgiving. So bring on the fudge!