Monday, December 1, 2008

I Am Glad For Many Things!

Wow, do I have a bunch to be thankful for! I am surrounded by evidence that my Heavenly Father loves me and our little family - how grateful I am to Him!
We spent Thanksgiving with the Hall fam, plus Emily, and it was a blast! Not only were there tons of good food to eat, but we also had (drum roll please) "The First Annual Mayflower Power Tournament of Champions". Let me explain. As I was lying in bed late one night waiting for Riley to get home from a trip to Utah, I had this stroke of brilliance! As a fun activity we could borrow Kenzie and Cole's kid pool (which I am informed that they keep blown up at all times, "because you never know when there is going to be a heat wave, this is Idaho!") and make little boats and race them across the pool by blowing them. So since Riley's family are good sports and humor a girl who basically talks to toddlers and babies all day, they went along with it. We made boats out of cereal boxes and dixie cups and straws. Rick judged them on their style and picked Jaxon's as the winner, but I think he was being biased! Bailee's ship, La Hispaniola, won by a nose with Barbara as a close contender. It actually turned out to be a lot of fun. Another thing I'm grateful for: a family that doesn't think I'm terribly weird with all my crazy ideas.

We made Indian hats for Thanksgiving...Jaxon has worn his hat every day since.

Riley's vessel: The Proud Walberto

Riley and I giving it a go.

The final show-down, as you see it was pretty darn close.

Here's Bailee, boasting her new crown of first ever champion of the "Mayflower Power Tournament of Champions"

Now on to Christmas!! I am so excited! Our house has been decorated since a week before Thanksgiving, breaking all rules, I know. But here is our rational: we are going to be in California for Christmas and leaving on the 18th or thereabouts and so we had to decorate our home early so we could enjoy it a good amount of time before we have to take it all down. Okay, plus we were really excited because we bought a Christmas tree...

Something that I'm extremely thankful for is my Savior. What a gift our Father gave to us!


Bri said...

What a fun tournament...I also love games! We will be in Cali around the 18th too...we should hang out! Bri

Katie said...

Emily told me about your super cool hats and boat races. Sounds awesome! Don't worry. Riley's family doesn't think you are weird will all of your crazy ideas. I think they must all be thinking,

"CRAP! Why didn't we think of that before. We have been having Thanksgiving dinner for how many years now, and none of us have thought to have the Mayflower Power Tournament of Champions!?!? Man, what does Sarah think about our silly family?"

I'm pretty sure that the mental conversation going on in their heads was something along those lines. Feel better now. Your welcome. We too share your sentiments about Christmas decorations! Now we were about a week behind you getting ours up. But it is all up and so pretty. We gotta enjoy it while we are here. I love Christmas!

Whitney said...

LOVE the hats - and way fun game!:) I'm glad you had such a great thanksgiving! And hey, you don't even need a rational for decorating early. Christmas is just too good and too short for that! I wish we were able to go to Cali too - I'm sure you'll have a blast!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Katie said...

Wow...rediculously good looking and humble. How do you do it?

Mike and Jackie said...

The Mayflower Power Tournament of Champions looks like a winner of a game! I can totally imagine you playing it. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas