Friday, April 10, 2009

We've moved!

I guess I shoud say that we have helped someone move - my parents - from good ole Visalia, CA to Rigby, ID. Yes, Idaho. People have questioned their sanity and I'm sure crazy Uncle Mark thinks it's because they don't want to wash their cars anymore in order to be considered part of the "Rigby pig" population as he so lovingly puts it. Maybe it is insanity that drove them here, after living 36 years in Visalia, it could do it to ya. But really, they just wised up to the well-kept secret of Idaho. It's awesome here! Housing is somewhat undercontrol and you can't beat the summers, the people are so nice, temples are close by, conference is on ABC, plus no smog - bonus! Oh, and they did get an amazing offer on their house and in turn found a fabulous home here. Win, win. And I think their move here had something to do with two little people, I can't quite remember their names...
Love ya, Granny and Grandpa, we're sure glad that you are here rather than 16 hours away! I'm so excited and blessed to have both grandparents near for my kids to grow up with.


Sheramie and Jessica said...

Yeah I am jealous you don't have to make that drive anymore. Congrats to you and I hope they not only love the summers but can endure the winters with a smile too!

Whitney said...

I guess when you see those cute kids, you can't blame them for making that crazy move! So exciting that your kids will grow up close to both grandparents. It doesn't get better than that!

Katie said...

Just rub it in, why don't ya! You just had to go and make me even more jealous that you all get to hang out whenever you want to. Lucky bum.

Oh...and we are growing peas, green beans, carrots, raddishes, pumpkins, and lots of bell peppers in our little garden.