Monday, March 2, 2009

Just call me cheater pants

So there's no turning back now. As I was doing my singing time with the senior primary this Sunday, one of the primary leaders was looking after Sammi for me. She went in to check on the nursery and set Sammi down. And the rest is history. Sammi wanted to play, so she stayed. The same primary leader went to check on her again while I was doing my singing time with the junior primary and she was still doing great. When I went into sing with the nursery she came bolting toward me and sat with me the whole time. I took her back to primary with me because, well, I just did. But then this great nursery leader came two seconds later and snatched her back for snack time. So I guess Sammi is now a nursery-goer! She's only 16 months, but they were going to have her come in at the beginning of April, so I guess she's not terribly early. But I kind of feel cheated out of my week or two of stressing and anticipating her first day in nursery... What am I thinking? She's going and it wasn't traumatic - let's hope it stays that way!

Sammi on her unanticipated first day of nursery. (Try as we might, we could NOT get a picture of her standing, she would just run and run)

And not to be left out, Jaxon is quite the shnazy dresser, don't you think?


Bri said...

That is hilarious! We kept sneaking into nursery for the second hour (we're in young womens for the third) so they called me into nursery just for the second hour...what can you do, they are ready!

Katie said...

Hey CHEATER PANTS! Hey do whatever works...and if it's their idea and they are cool with it, even better! Primary is going to be a whole knew experience for you now.

Whitney said...

Yay for nursery! - and just consider yourself blessed that they're letting her in early. I would be shouting for joy. And you didn't even have to ease her into it! I'd say you got it pretty good! Enjoy your calling - it's going to be such a nice change! BTW, Sammi is adorable with her little pigtails! I LOVE them!! And of course I think Jaxon has some top of the line taste in style -and he does a darn good job of showing it off :)

Jandi said...

I love these pictures! Your kids are beautiful! And yeah for Sammi and nursery! What a great little lady!

Stephanie said...

Yea for Sammi! What a sweet girl you have. How did the getting rid of the pacifier go?

Sarah said...

The binki thing is still a work in progress. All of them are safely at the dump where I won't even be tempted to use them. Yesterday for her afternoon nap she screamed for 2 1/2 hours before she konked out. But then at night she didn't make a peep. So hopefully that's the end of that!

Katie said...

Hey...I saw this blog post and thought you might enjoy it. These cakes looked cool and like someone could actually make them!

Rosie said...

Hey Sarah, I just read the comment you left on my blog. I am glad you found it. It was nice to hear from you. Your kids sure are getting big, but it looks like you guys are having fun.