So ever since we moved I have had the same calling - Primary Chorister. What was a major fear turned into a major love and really didn't think that I was going to be changing any time soon. I finally knew what I was doing. That's when you know you're toast. So, 3 1/2 years later I got released from the best gig in the Primary to be changed to (hopefully) the best in the Young Women's, the MiaMaid advisor. Once again I am terrified, but the excitment is drowning it out. I loved Young Women's growing up so hopefully I can pass some of that on to our awesome girls. The whole leadership for the Young Women's is new as well as our bishopric (it happened the same Sunday), so we are all feeling a little lost, but we'll work through it and have a rockin' time. Last night was the first mutual night that I went to and it was an absolute blast! I love our girls already. But a LOT has changed since I've been in Young Women's. So if anyone out there has any advice about working in Young Women's, or any awesome activity ideas, I am totally ok with it if you share!
Good luck Sarah! You'll do great! Those yw are lucky to have you. YW has changed a ton but is super fun.
Young Womens is the best!! I'm the beehive advisor right now. Your girls will LOVE you!! You are so fun!! Perfect for Young Womens!!
We share the same calling, my friend :) It is such a fun one! I've loved being in YW's - and it's crazy how many memories it brings back! You will do amazing and you will love it!
You are probably the best YW leader!!! I got called to be the YW president in our ward 5 months ago and I often feel lost, but I love the girls and you will do FANTASTIC my friend!
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